2022 Junior Sail Registration

A Summer of adventure for your kids starts here.

WYCYF Junior Sail has been making sailors since 1966 - along the way, we've also taught them safety, self-confidence, leadership &  teamwork, situational awareness, as well as a respect for the environment (in a way that can only happen by being up close to it).

Get the kids out of the house this summer! The outdoors, where there's fresh air, actual unadulterated sunlight, real adventure, and a decidedly lower saturation of memes. A place where there are actual conversations that involve real speech and not typing with your thumbs!

We offer new and experienced sailors (ages 8-17) the opportunity to establish or extend their knowledge with Adventure Sail, M-F, morning or afternoon (9:00-12:00/1:00-4:00) or both for a Full Day.

Students can go further and fine-tune their skills with our Race Practice & Prep program in the afternoon, 1:00-4:00, M-F

KinderSail classes continue for children ages 5-8. One-on-one time in prams with teaching staff  from 6:00-7:30 PM, Tuesday & Thursday evenings

All sessions are weekly, so you have more flexibility to plan your family's summer.


Student Registration for 2022 Season

Family LAST name only - Enter full names in Contacts Section
Registration Type *

Primary Contact, Emergency Contact, and Medical Info

Name of primary person responsible for student
Enter email

  Student Medical Information

Doctor or Practice Name
group/policy number

Student/s Information

For multiple students, fill out schedule for first student, then select "add student" below, and repeat for as many students as you are registering.
Age of student on the first day of class
Medical Considerations
if any apply, check the box and explain below

  Kinder Sail

Kinder Sail: Tues/Thurs, 6pm - 7:30pm
No Classes: Weeks of July 4th & July 25 for Mac Race Week
5-8 years old
KinderSail Week 1
6/7, 6/9
KinderSail Week 2
6/14, 6/16
KinderSail Week 3
6/21, 6/23
KinderSail Week 4
6/28, 6/30
July 4th Week
No Classes
KinderSail Week 5
7/12, 7/14
KinderSail Week 6
7/19, 7/21
Mac Race Week
No Classes
KinderSail Week 7
8/2, 8/4
KinderSail Week 8
8/9, 8/11
KinderSail Week 9
8/16, 8/18

  Adventure Sail

Adventure Sail:
Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 12:00pm/1:00-4:00
Student Ages: 8-17 years old
No Classes: Weeks of July 4th & July 25 for Mac Race Week
Adventure Week 1
Adventure Week 2
Adventure Week 3
Adventure Week 4
July 4th week
No Classes
Adventure Week 5
Adventure Week 6
Mac Race Week
No Classes
Adventure Week 7
Adventure Week 8
Adventure Week 9

  Race Practice & Prep. Some sailing experience required

Race Practice & Prep:
Mon - Fri, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Student Ages: 8-17 years old
No Classes: Weeks of July 4th & July 25 for Mac Race Week
Race Practice & Prep Week 1
Race Practice & Prep Week 2
Race Practice & Prep Week 3
Race Practice & Prep Week 4
July 4th week
No Classes
Race Practice & Prep Week 5
Race Practice & Prep Week 6
Mac Race Week
No Classes
Race Practice & Prep Week 7
Race Practice & Prep Week 8
Race Practice & Prep Week 9

Additional/Secondary Contacts

Optional, Max number 3



  Program Expectations

Agreement to uphold each expectation is required.

All students will participate to the best of their abilities.
All students will respect and follow instructor's direction.
All students will respect other sailors, instructors and staff, and their property.
All students will remain on the Junior Sail program grounds during the scheduled time of their session.
All students will be respectful of the Waukegan Yacht Club facility.
All students will respect and adhere the WYCYF Junior Sail Code of Conduct.

  Signature Form

Shortly after submitting this form you will receive an email with the Signature Form and a Code of Conduct Form, both as PDF files.

Both forms need to be signed, initialed, and received before your student may participate in class.