by Anne Nagro Anne Nagro
This Friday, June 17, is Bring-A-Friend Day to Junior Sail.
Do you have a friend who might like to join Junior Sail if he or she could try it first?  Invite him or her to join you. Your friend can experience what WYCYF Junior Sail is all about while you show what you’ve learned. We’ll even supply pizza for lunch!
  • The total number of friends is limited, so register now before spots fill up!
  • Fee—$25 for a half day, and $40 for full day. Cash or check, please.
  • Bring-A-Friend Day will take place rain or shine.

If your friend really wants to sail with you after experiencing Friend Day, we can prorate tuition for the remainder of this session. Or, get them all set up to start sailing in Session II, which starts July 5.

This is an opportunity to try WYCYF Junior Sail with your friends