by Anne Nagro Anne Nagro

Parents, Junior Sailors, Friends + Alumni ~

Please join us Friday, Aug. 18 for our annual end-of-season picnic and awards ceremony. The potluck event will take place from 4:30 to 7 pm at the Waukegan / Joseph Conrad Yacht Club.

Sailors, parents, siblings and friends from all sessions are invited. We’ll supply the subs and soft drinks; we ask that you provide a dish depending on the first letter of your last name: A-J bring appetizers; K-S bring a side dish; T-Z bring dessert.

A highlight of the evening: Students can bring their parents and siblings out for a sail in the harbor to show off their new skills! And, we’ll also present six awards to deserving students.

We hope to hold the picnic outside in front of the Club. (If inclement weather, we’ll be indoors.)

Please RSVP by Aug 14 so we can ensure enough food and fun for everyone! We can’t wait to celebrate the end of an awesome summer of sailing with you!

To RSVP, please reply to with the number of people attending.  See you on the 18th!